Open Call: SYNAPSE – The International Curators’ Network (Germany)

Akademsko | 13.12.2014. 13:00

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) and Schering Stiftung invite up-and-coming curators to apply to take part in the third workshop held by SYNAPSE – The International Curators’ Network. The network is moderated by an international team of curators, artists, scientists, and other experts, including the jury members Anselm Franke (curator and Head of the Department of Visual Arts and Film, HKW, Berlin), Chus Martínez (curator and Head of the Institute of Art at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, Basel), Cord Riechelmann (biologist, philosopher, journalist, Berlin), and Rachel Mayeri (artist, Los Angeles). This third workshop will focus on modes of interaction between science and art, with a special thematic emphasis on “Ape Culture” and the human/animal relationship. Among other questions, it will address how scientific topics and methodologies can be approached by curators.

The call is open to international curators with initial experience. Applicants must be able to speak and write English fluently.

An international jury will review the applications and determine the ten selected participants by the end of February 2015. Participation in all workshop activities is compulsory and free of charge. Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Schering Stiftung will cover travel and accommodation as well as food during workshop hours.

Deadline: 20 January 2015

Find all details online

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