Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Diagnosis Seminar

Aktualno | 26.11.2014. 14:00


Diagnosis Seminar

GRANT DIAGNOSIS SEMINAR (15 and 16 December 2014)

This is simply a crash course that will give you the main perspective and tools to make a competitive grant application. In this seminar you will be instructed step by step through the narrative structure of a grant application. You will learn formulating your project description and artist statement. Additionally, you will explore the ways of finding the suitable German and International application calls for your project/artwork.

Working topics include:

Module #1: On Funding Bodies (15 December)
– Understanding Funding Bodies
– Decision process in funding application evaluations
– List of places to find suitable grant givers
– Getting over your writing blockage

Module #2: On Applications (16 December)
– Structure of funding applications
– Creating a project description
– Writing your artist statement
– Key elements, tips and tricks for a successful application

* 20 mins. one-to-one consultancy with each participant on a particular project.

Who is it for:
Artists, art collectives, project curators, NGOs, grant writers, art managers who are currently (or soon will be) working on an application.

What to bring:
Computer, paper and pens recommended for note-taking.

Duration of the course:
2.5 hours + 2.5 hours in 2 days, plus 20 mins. individual consultancy

15th December, Monday, 18:00-20:30
16th December, Tuesday, 18:00-20:30
Appointments for 20 mins. consultancy will be arranged separately.

Language: English

Min. 5 people

Seminar fee:
Early Bird Rate for whole seminar 70 EUR – Register by 1st December
Whole seminar 85 EUR – From 2nd December on

* * Those who attend this seminar and also registers at Operation Workshop session (from 2nd December) gets 10% discount. In this case, the fee is calculated from regular rate.

Location: Agora / Mittelweg 50, 12053 Neukölln


If you would like to get consultation or register for any of the workshops, please kindly send an email indicating which workshop you would like to attend and you will recieve  a reply with a registration form and payment instructions.

To book or for more information:
