
07.08.2015. 00:00 | Nairobi

Indaba2015 – Harnessing the Arts to Break Cultural Barriers

Nairobi, Kenya, 7–8 August 2015

Dubbed Indaba2015, the conference on Harnessing the Arts to Break Cultural Barriers, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, on 7–8 August 2015, is organised by the Matasia Arts Center, an international multidisciplinary arts hub. This international conference is expected to bring together artists from 170 countries. Based in Matasia, Kenya, the Center's mission is to promote intercultural exchange among artists globally. The focus of the discussions at the conference will include:

  • Translating works of art for broader appeal;
  • How the Internet is giving artists a global platform to sell their work;
  • Performing music across cultures;
  • Funding the arts to empower global voices;
  • How international artists' conferences narrow cultural gaps;
  • Taking the arts to the center of foreign policy priorities.

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