E-Capital Culture - Adriatic Start-up School - Call for Idea 2015

Aktuelno | 02.07.2015. 05:20

The Call for Idea 2015 referring to "E-Capital Culture - Adriatic Start-up School" is now open.

The project E-CAPITAL CULTURE – Adriatic start-up school is a new Adriatic–Ionian Macro-region project promoted and financed by Fondazione Marche, Regione Marche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Chamber of Commerce of Ancona, Municipality of Ancona and ISTAO. The main purpose of the project is the economic development of cultural tourism in the area, throughout the creativity and talent of future young entrepreneurs. The project is a training path oriented to the development of innovative cultural start-ups aimed at enhancing the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregional cultural heritage.

The Call for Ideas is now open and will be closed on 20 July 2015. The school, which will be attended for free by about 40 young entrepreneurs belonging to the different countries of the area (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia), will start on 21 September and finish on 11 December 2015.

Further information as well as the Call for Ideas can be found on the project website:


