The Emerald Initiative (Taiwan): Grants for Cultural Exchanges and Collaborative Projects with Personnel from Southeast Asia

Актуелно | 25.11.2014. 19:00

A cornucopia of cultures, Southeast Asia radiates like an emerald, its brilliance and strength attracting attention and inviting engagement. To increase the citizenry’s understanding of Southeast Asian cultures, histories and social development, to encourage related exchanges and to enrich our people’s global vision, the Ministry of Culture (“the Ministry”) has specially drafted and is now implementing the Emerald Initiative, a program that offers grants for cultural exchanges and collaborative projects with personnel from Southeast Asia.

The aim of this initiative is to encourage private organizations to recommend and invite personnel from Southeast Asia to live in Taiwan for up to six months. During this time, they will engage in activities such as curation, performance, creating/writing, community development, cultural asset preservation, restoration, internship, field work/recording, research, interviewing, reporting, workshops and filmmaking, or participate in/cooperate with civil society’s activities. This will both broaden the scope of bilateral exchanges and create new opportunities for cross-border cooperation.

Grant applicants must be domestic legal persons or civil groups registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China. The Ministry will select from among applicants’ projects and provide grants for related expenditures and costs incurred as a result of publicizing the project results during the project’s execution period. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to NT$500,000 per project.

Proposals will be accepted from Oct. 30 to Dec. 1, 2014 for projects that arrange for Southeast Asian personnel to visit Taiwan for cultural and artistic exchanges in 2015.

For more information, you can visit the website and send an e-mail or call (02)8512-6716.
