Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage (FUUH)

Aкадемски | 16.12.2013. 00:00

We are pleased to inform you that Forum UNESCO - University and Heritage (FUUH) has recently created theUNESCO Chair ‘Forum University and Heritage’, by the agreement signed between UNESCO and the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV, Spain)

This UNESCO Chair expresses UPV's commitment to continue contributing to the preservation and enhancement of heritage in collaboration with professorsresearchersstudents and professionals of the FUUH Network.

Therefore, we would like to share in this achievement and encourage you to continue participating and sharing your activities, programmes and projects in this network, as your contributions mean a great value to safeguard our cultural and natural heritage.

In this regard, we invite you to visit our new website which will allow you access to services offered by FUUH Network:

- To search for and contact FUUH members

- To disseminate your research and contact other research authors of your interest.

- To search for and publish contents in the electronic Newsletter.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us at in case of questions and we take this opportunity to send you best regards,


UNESCO Chair Forum University and Heritage
c/ Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia, SPAIN

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