
Актуелно | 18.05.2016. 00:00

Are you a cultural and creative professional​​​​ active in Europe? What are your views on using crowdfunding?  Did you already run a crowdfunding campaign or are you considering to do so in the future? What are your experiences?

Take the survey and help us find out how crowdfunding can benefit the cultural and creative sector! Your answers will help us bring the knowledge about crowdfunding for cultural and creative professionals to the next level. You can take the survey in English, French or German.

Take the survey now

We have the ambition to become a European wide information hub for anyone who wants to learn more about:

  • what crowdfunding might bring to cultural and creative organizations,
  • what the possible crowdfunding models and platforms are and how to select the right one, 
  • how other cultural and creative professionals have handled their crowdfunding campaigns,
  • what type of finance can be raised through crowdfunding.

Help the European Commission to better understand what the potential of crowdfunding is, or the development of cultural and creative activities and evaluate possible policy actions, based on the research results of this study.

Crowdfunding4Culture is part of the European funded project ‘Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy’.

Source: Crowdfunding4Culture

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