Call for Researchers: Institute of Leisure Studies (Bilbao, Spain)

Aкадемски | 15.05.2013. 00:00

The Institute of Leisure Studies is located in Bilbao, Spain and has offered postgraduate studies and conducted research in the field of leisure (culture, tourism, sport and recreation) for over 25 years. In recognition of the work carried out during these years, it has been awarded the status of official research team by the Basque Government to study leisure as a factor of human development. This acknowledgement has made it eligible for two different calls launched by Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, which gives us the opportunity to recruit a renowned expert on leisure (culture, tourism, sport and recreation) with international experience for our team. The calls are:

1. The Research Professors Call 2013 (open till 30 September) offers 10 permanent positions for senior researchers to the Research Institutionsin the Basque Country, including us.

2. The Research Fellows Call 2013 (open till June 30th)  offers 25  contracts (5 years) for researchers wishing to come to the Research Institutions in the Basque Country, including us. Support letter from the PI of the host institution/ department/ group is mandatory.   

Research Fellows in their 4th year can apply for the Ikerbasque Research Professor call to be eligible for a permanent position.

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