Call for Applications: Summer School on Value of Culture

Aкадемски | 20.05.2015. 03:30

Join the 7th International Summer School in Cultural Economics! We look forward meeting you in Amsterdam from August 25 to 29! The program on Value of Culture – valuation and evaluation of cultural organizations and activities keeps evolving thanks to the input of our faculty and the feedback of the participants over the past 6 years.

The course focuses on the valuation and valorization of culture or the arts. Participants, who either are professionally involved in cultural organizations, governments, foundations or creative industries, or are studying the world of art and culture, will learn about strategies, (cultural) entrepreneurship, marketing, and creative financing. The emphasis is on the value-based approach. We will pay attention to the articulation of a vision and mission; determine relevant strategies; and develop a value-based method of evaluation. Next to this we will explore the last developments within the creative economy and the connections to social and cultural changes in our societies.
The course stimulates interaction among the participants by way of a common project, personal reflection on one’s own values and purposes, and applications of the ideas presented. Each participant will have the chance to present his or her own project and will receive professional advice.

The deadline for early bird applications is June 8th, 2015. You can apply by downloading the application form from our website.

For more information visit our website or write us to:


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