2015 Craft Research Fund Grants

Актуелно | 26.05.2015. 03:45

Since 2005, The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design’s Craft Research Fund grant program has advanced and expanded research about craft in the United States. The program supports innovative research on critical issues in craft theory and history, explores the inter-relationship among craft, art, design and contemporary culture, fosters new cross-disciplinary approaches to scholarship in the craft field, and advances investigation of neglected questions on craft history and criticism.


Proposals are welcome from curators, academic researchers, independent scholars and graduate students.  General overhead (indirect administrative expenses) is not eligible for university-based projects.  No capital equipment purchases are eligible for support. This grant program is not about the creation of artwork. 

Applicants must be U.S. citizens, in the process of applying for citizenship or have a U.S. Social Security number.

For questions regarding the Craft Research Fund program or your application, please contact Anna Helgeson, Grants and Office Coordinator at 828-785-1357 x102 or ahelgeson@craftcreativitydesign.org.

The Craft Research Fund program is administered by The Center for Craft, Creativity & Design and supported by the Windgate Fund at the Community Foundation of Western North Carolina.

You can find more information at



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