SEE Regional Forum of UNESCO Chairs & UNITWIN | 12-13 June 2013 | Istanbul, Turkey

Aкадемичната | 13.06.2013. 08:00

First South East European (SEE) Regional Forum of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN networks was held from 12-13th June 2013 in Istanbul. The Forum was organized by the Regional UNESCO Venice Office and the Turkish National Commission.

The main goal of the Forum was to identify and outline joint interests and visions of the UNESCO Chairs in the Region. Through a certain number of presented case studies selected on the basis of their excellence and dynamics (among others, the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy and Management at the University of Arts in Belgrade) the conclusion was that the presented Chairs and Networks are equally both expert “groups” and active nucleus’ for building bridges between academic community, public administration and civil society.

In a lively discussion that followed, the focus was on the problems of transdisciplinarity and inability of national accreditation committees to recognize specificities of each UNESCO Chair individually; because, they are created as such, to step out of the framework of classical scientific disciplines, and often oriented toward “postmaster” education, so called “specialist studies” that have not been validated yet in Europe, having in mind that they step out of the framework of 3+2+3.

The Forum has agreed to establish regional networks of UNESCO Chairs in broader areas of research, to organize research summer schools, to initiate joint scientific research projects etc.
