Berlin Art Grant Clinic: Operation Workshop

Актуално | 26.11.2014. 14:00




Operation Workshop

OPERATION WORKSHOP (17 and 18 December 2014)

This is a hands-on grant writing workshop for artists, artistic projects and applications for residency programmes. The workshop aims at preparing you to submit better applications to the up-coming open calls. It is for applicants who want to develop their existing grant writing skills. Throughout Module #1 you will have to the opportunity to learn how to create a timeline and an efficient budget, and in Module #2 you will be able to exchange ideas and views with your peers, polish your application, and get equipped for your upcoming proposals.

Working topics include:
Module #1: Time, Budget, Tips and Tricks (17 December)
– A focused timeline
– Focused and realistic budgeting
– Tips and tricks to avoid emergency expenditure
– Working with a sample application

Module #2: Hands-on Application Operation (18 December)
– Requirements for a good proposal
– Making yourself a strong applicant
– Enriching and polishing your content
– Working on your application – peer evaluation

What to bring:
Proposals: Current, planned, or past; funded or unfunded; requests for proposals
Note-taking: Computer, paper and pens recommended

Who is it for:
Artists, art collectives, project curators, NGOs, grant writers, art managers who are currently (or soon will be) working on an application.

Duration of the course:
2 hours + 3 hours in 2 days

17th December, Wednesday, 18:00-20:00.
18th December, Thursday, 18:00-21:00

Language: English

Min. 5 people

Workshop fee:
Early Bird Rate for whole workshop 70 EUR – Register by 1st December
Whole workshop 85 EUR – From 2nd December on

Location: Agora / Mittelweg 50, 12053 Neukölln


If you would like to get consultation or register for any of the workshops, please kindly send an email indicating which workshop you would like to attend and you will recieve  a reply with a registration form and payment instructions.

To book or for more information:
